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Your Everyday Climate Questions Answered

Your Everyday Climate Questions Answered

Ever been confused by the many terms related to climate change? Time to change that!

As weather events become increasingly extreme, climate change is on everyone’s lips, but how can we take productive action if we don’t understand its many details? And how many of us have spare time to learn those details, let alone all the terms? Net what? Carbon negative is positive; carbon positive is negative – it can be confusing.

Paul Cook and Shawna McKinley feel you. They take a look at the frustration of not understanding and solve it with “Climate Change and Net Zero FAQs for Busy People”, an ebook for anyone who’s ever asked questions like this:

  • What is climate change and how is it connected to carbon emissions?
  • Are there any activities that do not produce carbon emissions?
  • 1.5°C of what, and how is it calculated?
  • What on earth is the Paris Agreement?
  • What do “Race to Zero” and “Net Zero” actually mean?
  • What does it mean to be carbon neutral?
  • What is a carbon budget?
  • How can an organisation use a carbon budget?

They answer a host more everyday questions and explain it all in plain English.

Get climate answers here

About the authors

Content writer and virtual and hybrid events advocate, Paul Cook, has been immersed in business events for more than 20 years. He is the author of three books: Supercharge Your Virtual Speaking, Remotely Engaging and Risk It. He hopes it will “open the door to an increased depth of conversation for organisations.”

Contact Paul: 

Shawna McKinley has spent more than 25 years furthering environmental management strategies for business. She has created public domain tools to assist event professionals to practice sustainability, and specializes in data analysis and planning for zero waste and net zero emissions with a particular focus on events, tourism and travel activities.

Contact Shawna:


– Watch our recent Feeling the Pulse webinar unpacking climate action for DMOs and CVBs here

– Join the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative with us

– Find out more about climate action for tourism and events here

– Discover the Glasgow Declaration here

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