    [id] => 178
    [active] => 0
    [city_id] => 87
    [city_name] => Gent
    [contact_name] => Bart
    [contact_surname] => Rondas
    [contact_email] =>
    [organisation] => Visit Ghent
    [website] =>
    [environmental_description] => Gent city boasts a car free zone of 51 ha in the center of town and coincides with one of the tourism policy areas too. The circulation plan introduced in 2017 realized a modal shift from car to walking, cycling and public transport. Since 2020, a low emission zone covers the whole inner city. This will further enhance the quality of air and urban life, and increase the tourist experience in the city.
    [social_description] => A progressive city at heart, Gent city council runs several programs combatting unemployment, social exclusion, poverty or housing shortage. It stimulates social and economic integration of all its inhabitants, by several actions promoting inclusion and inclusiveness.
    [supplier_description] => Two of the three purpose built meeting and convention centers in Gent are green key certified.
The 'Gentse Feesten', our ten day free cultural street festival, introduced the re-usable drinking cup. This prevents us to throw away 1.6 million plastic cups.
    [dmo_description] => Gent is a compact but ambitious city in Flanders, which embraces the future whilst cherishing its past. 
Sustainable Development Goals are embedded in our organization. In 2018 Gent gained both the SDG Award on Communication by the UN and the Fair & Ethical Trade Award of the European Commission.
Our tourism policy continuously seeks to allow smart growth by spreading tourism in time and space and by enhancing tourism experience. We try to attract the right tourist to the right place at the right moment. Hence growth is not a goal in itself, but a result of adding urbanity to the city. We believe that tourism growth as an outcome of more Gent does not harm the carrying capacity of the built environment nor of the inhabitants.
    [logo] =>
    [video] => JRd6PVK6E9k
    [img_1] =>
    [img_2] =>
    [img_3] =>
    [img_4] =>
    [img_5] =>
    [high_env_1] => 18.4
    [high_env_2] => 57
    [high_env_3] => 3815
    [high_soc_1] => 79
    [high_soc_2] => 89
    [high_soc_3] => 75
    [high_sup_1] => 26
    [high_sup_2] => 67
    [high_sup_3] => 0
    [high_dmo_1] => Sustainability vision and action plan established for events,Sustainability vision and action plan established for tourism,Multi year strategy (+3 years),Aligned to the city's overall development agenda (not just tourism and events),Aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
    [high_dmo_2] => 0
    [high_dmo_3] => None
    [created_at] => 2021-01-08 12:02:31
    [updated_at] => 2023-04-03 12:01:10
    [year] => 2020
    [id] => 178
    [year] => 2020
    [city_id] => 87
    [city_name] => Gent
    [score_type] => city
    [Total] => 63.47
    [Total_rank] => 14
    [Environment] => 77.05
    [Environment_rank] => 5
    [Social] => 81.08
    [Social_rank] => 4
    [Supplier] => 50
    [Supplier_rank] => 14
    [DMO] => 50
    [DMO_rank] => 15
    [longitude] => 3.717424299999948
    [latitude] => 51.0543422
    [population] => 268122
    [country] => Belgium
    [region] => Western Europe
    [created_at] => 2020-12-05 00:00:18
    [updated_at] => 2023-10-23 12:00:17

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