Inspiration Hub

How to Get Traction to Create Enduring Value with Sustainability Projects – a Discussion

How to Get Traction to Create Enduring Value with Sustainability Projects – a Discussion

GDS-Movement and Meet4impact changemakers, Jessica Vandy and Alexis Kereluk, and Simpleview's Future Tourism Group lead, David Peacock, discuss how to how to build momentum and action to develop lasting positive value through sustainability efforts that continuously support more regenerative tourism on the Future of Tourism podcast.

“We need to take a very careful look at all our activities and determine if they are indeed serving our communities and creating legacy value for our citizens,”

says David Peacock, Simpleview‘s Future Tourism Group lead and host of the Future of Tourism podcast.  

He recently discussed this with Jessica Vandy and Alexis Kereluk, changemakers working with both GDS-Movement and Meet4impact in their efforts to develop legacy value in sustainability and regenerative practices for DMOs.

“As we re-organise and rationalise our destination organisations to serve citizens and visitors alike,” he frames the session, “we need to take a very careful look at all our activities and determine if they are indeed serving our communities and creating legacy value for our citizens.”

How are destinations doing this and how can they do it better, faster, and more affordably in the long run? Together, they explore.

Enjoy the discussion here:

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